
This section, both Literary and Scientific, was the work of one man, a palaeographer called Julian Brown. His obituary will be found in the issue for Summer 1987.

When typing an author's name into the Search bar please do so as "Smith, John" or as "Smith" or as "John."

An asterisk (*) against an entry indicates that issue of The Book Collector is no longer available in print.

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Addison, Joseph 1958-01
Arnold, Matthew 1963-02
Bacon, Francis 1966-02
Berkeley, George 1958-02
Blake, William 1954-03
Boyle, Robert 1964-04
Bridges, Robert 1956-04
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 1960-03
Browning, Robert 1960-03
Bunyan, John 1960-01
Burke, Edmund 1962-04
Burns, Robert 1959-02
Byron, Lord George 1962-02
Carlyle, Thomas 1963-03
Cavendish, Henry 1965-03
Chatterton, Thomas 1954-02
Chesterfield, Lord 1958-04
Clare, John 1955-02
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 1954-04
Congreve, William 1957-01
Cowper, William 1962-03
De Quincey, Thomas 1960-02
Defoe, Daniel 1957-04
Dickens, Charles 1955-03
Dryden, John 1952-03
Gibbon, Edward 1954-01
Goldsmith, Oliver 1959-04
Gray, Thomas 1953-03
Hardy, Thomas 1956-03
Harvey, Dr William 1965-01
Hopkins, Gerard Manley 1961-03
Housman, Alfred Edward 1959-03
Hume, David 1958-02
Johnson, Samuel 1953-02
Joyce, James 1961-04
Keats, John 1960-04
Linacre, Thomas 1964-03
Locke, John 1957-02
Morris, William 1956-02
Owen, Wilfred 1963-04