This section, both Literary and Scientific, was the work of one man, a palaeographer called Julian Brown. His obituary will be found in the issue for Summer 1987.
When typing an author's name into the Search bar please do so as "Smith, John" or as "Smith" or as "John."
An asterisk (*) against an entry indicates that issue of The Book Collector is no longer available in print.
Index Entry | View PDF | |
Addison, Joseph | 1958-01 | |
Arnold, Matthew | 1963-02 | |
Bacon, Francis | 1966-02 | |
Berkeley, George | 1958-02 | |
Blake, William | 1954-03 | |
Boyle, Robert | 1964-04 | |
Bridges, Robert | 1956-04 | |
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett | 1960-03 | |
Browning, Robert | 1960-03 | |
Bunyan, John | 1960-01 | |
Burke, Edmund | 1962-04 | |
Burns, Robert | 1959-02 | |
Byron, Lord George | 1962-02 | |
Carlyle, Thomas | 1963-03 | |
Cavendish, Henry | 1965-03 | |
Chatterton, Thomas | 1954-02 | |
Chesterfield, Lord | 1958-04 | |
Clare, John | 1955-02 | |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor | 1954-04 | |
Congreve, William | 1957-01 | |
Cowper, William | 1962-03 | |
De Quincey, Thomas | 1960-02 | |
Defoe, Daniel | 1957-04 | |
Dickens, Charles | 1955-03 | |
Dryden, John | 1952-03 | |
Gibbon, Edward | 1954-01 | |
Goldsmith, Oliver | 1959-04 | |
Gray, Thomas | 1953-03 | |
Hardy, Thomas | 1956-03 | |
Harvey, Dr William | 1965-01 | |
Hopkins, Gerard Manley | 1961-03 | |
Housman, Alfred Edward | 1959-03 | |
Hume, David | 1958-02 | |
Johnson, Samuel | 1953-02 | |
Joyce, James | 1961-04 | |
Keats, John | 1960-04 | |
Linacre, Thomas | 1964-03 | |
Locke, John | 1957-02 | |
Morris, William | 1956-02 | |
Owen, Wilfred | 1963-04 |