Summer 2022 Vol - 71.2

- A Memoir, Part 2: Our Escape to New York Emil Offenbacher
- Belarus: The Francis Skaryna Library in London Neil Robinson
- Collecting the Cold War Musa Igrek
- Agatha Christie: Plots and Politics Jeremy Black
- Collecting Golden Age Detective Fiction Martin Edwards
- John Creasey: Fame, Fortune and Rejection Slips Richard Creasey
- Corpus Delicti: An Introduction to the British Crime Writing Archive Jonathan Hopson
- A Revolution in Legal Publishing: The Earliest Booksellers’ Catalogues of English Law Books, Part 2 Anthony Taussig
- David Singmaster in Conversation with Sheila Markham: The Markham Interviews (New Series) 27
- Undergrowth: The Bookish Essays of Mark Valentine Peter Cooper
- Lost Friends, Part 3 Brian Alderson
- From Cap d’Antibes to Conway Basie Bales Gitlin
- The Libraries of Twelve Early Members of The Club, Part 7: David Garrick Stephen Clarke
- A 19th-Century Russian Binding for Aleksey Yermolov English & Foreign Bookbindings 150 Anna Markova
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