Books Reviewed
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'All Manner of Ingenuity and Industry': a Bio-Bibliography of Dr T. Willis…Alastair Compston 2021 | 2022-01 | |
A Bibliographical Catalogue of International Books on Food and Drink in the Lilly Library, by William Cagle, 1999 | 2001-01 | |
A Bibliographical Collection of Books on Food and Drink, by William R. Cagle, 1990 | 1991-03 | |
A Bibliography of Exploration, Adventure and Travel in the American West, 1800-1965, by Wagner and Camp. 4th edition, 1982 | 1985-01 | |
A Bibliography of Francis Kirkman, by Strickland Gibson, 1949 | 1951-01 | |
A Bio-Bibliography of Edward Jenner 1749-1823, by W.R. Le Fanu | 1951-04 | |
A Bloomsbury Iconography, by Elizabeth P. Richardson, 1989 | 1990-01 | |
A Book of Alphabets, by Eric Gill, 1988 | 1990-03 | |
A Catalogue of Fifteenth-Century Printed Books in Glasgow Libraries… by Margaret Connolly, 2020 | 2021-01 | |
A Catalogue of Nineteenth Century Printing Presses, by Harold E. Sterne, 2001 | 2002-02 | |
A Catalogue of the Donations Made to Norwich City Library 1608-1656, by Joy Tilley, 2000 | 2001-04 | |
A Catalogue of the Junius Spencer Morgan Collection of Virgil in Princeton University Library, by Craig Kallendorf, 2009 | 2011-01 | |
A Celebration of Philadelphia Libraries, edited by Edwin Wolf 2nd, 1988 | 1989-04 | |
A Century of Typographical Excellence: Christophe Plantin 2020, Goran Proot and others | 2021-04 | |
A Chorus of Grammars: the Correspondence of George Hickes....edited by Richard L. Harris, 1992 | 1993-04 | |
A Chronology and Calendar of Documents Relating to the London Book Trade 1641-1700, by D.F. McKenzie and Maureen Bell, 2005 | 2007-01 | |
A Companion to the History of the Book, ed. Simon Eliot and Jonathan Rose, 2020, 2 volumes | 2020-01 | |
A Complete List of Books by Enid Blyton, Foreword by Enid Blyton | 1951-04 | |
A Curator's Wunderkammer: a Decade of Collecting for the University of Virginia: D. Whitesell 2022 | 2022-02 | |
A Dictionary of British and Irish Travellers in Italy 1701-1800, compiled by John Ingamells, 1997 | 1999-04 | |
A Dictionary of English Manuscript Terminology 1450-2000, by Peter Beal, 2008 | 2008-04 | |
A Directory of Dealers in Secondhand and Antiquarian Books in the British Isles 1953-54, Sheppards Press, 1953 | 1953-03 | |
A Directory of the Parochial Libraries of the Church of England and the Church in Wales, ed. revised by Michael Perkin, 2004 | 2005-04 | |
A Divinity for all Persuasions: Almanacs and Early American Religious Life, by T.J. Tomlin, 2014 | 2016-01 | |
A Factotum in the Book Trade, a Memoir: Marius Kociejowski 2022 | 2023-01 | |
A Garland for Jake Zeitlin, edited by J.M. Edelstein, 1967 | 1969-03 | |
A Guide to Audubon's Birds of America: A Susanne M. Low, 2002 | 2003-03 | |
A Guide to British Medieval Seals, by P.D.A. Harvey and Andrew McGuinness, 1996 | 1997-04 | |
A Guide to English Illustrated Books 1536-1693, by Ruth Luborsky and Elizabeth Morley Ingram. 2 volumes, 1998 | 2000-03 | |
A Hand-List of English Provincial Newspapers and Periodicals 1700-1760, by G.A. Cranfield, [1952] | 1953-01 | |
A History and Catalogue of the Lindsay Library 1570-1792: Kelsey Jackson Williams et alios 2022 | 2023-01 | |
A History of Britain through Books 1900-1964, Christopher Tugendhat, 2019 | 2020-01 | |
A History of English Craft Bookbinding Technique, by Bernard Middleton, 1978 | 1978-04 | |
A History of the Book in America, general editor David D. Hall, Vols IV and V, 2009 | 2010-04 | |
A History of the Book in Australia, 1891-1945, edited by Martyn Lyons and John Arnold, n.d. | 2003-02 | |
A History of the Cambridge University Press, Vol 3, by David McKitterick, 2004 | 2008-01 | |
A History of the Caradoc Press by James Freemantle, MMXIX | 2021-01 | |
A History of the Eragny Press 1894-1914, by Marcella D. Genz, 2004 | 2005-02 | |
A History of the Golden Cockerel Press 1920-1960, by Roderick Cave and Sarah Manson, 2002 | 2004-01 | |
A History of the Gregynog Press, by Dorothy A. Harrop, 1980 | 1981-02 |